
Hybrid Tutorials

Watching for Holes

You must be watching the map all the time and keeping a close eye on your section for any changes. If you see a part of your base start to disappear you must alert your team. The quicker you catch it the better. If you miss a hole for more than 3 minutes it can become massive and you will have lost a big chunk of area without even knowing. Keep an eye on your map and alert your team so that whoever is digging doesn't get free area from your base.


Where to bridge

Where to bridge

Finding the right spot to start bridging is very important. Below is an example of where you could bridge. The idea is taking a chunk of area from another team by connecting 2 parts of your own base. This can be an effective way of gaining a lot of area in a quick time.

How to bridge safely

Bridging is incredibly important and an amazing way of gaining lots of area, However sometimes it might not work out and you can get trapped and killed. To avoid getting trapped and killed there a number of things you can do:

Your Team

Class Selection

Knowing what type of players (builder or hybrid) are on your team is incredibly important. For example if your team is lacking a bit of strength in building then changing your build to a Builder hybrid or even a Balanced hybrid will help your team's weakness and make it stronger. Another example is that if your team has a strong amount of builders then going towards an Attacking Hybrid would benefit your team more. Last example is that if your team has speed builders but a slight weakness in frontlining then the frontlining hybrid will strongly benefit your team. It is all about knowing what is on your team and selecting the correct hybrid for the job.

Death Prediction

Looking at your team around you when in fights and seeing how they are doing can have a massive effect on the whole game. If you see one of your team start to lose focus or is getting some close calls in-terms of near death, then telling them to be more careful or to watch out or even to focus can avoid a string of deaths and save your team. If you see a player on your team who is getting some close calls even after you have told them then preparing for them to die is incredibly important. If you prepare and pick your target once your team member dies then you can get a counter kill very often and even out the fight or even just getting in a safer position so that when they die you are safe and wont make things worse. The key here is all about watching and keeping a close eye on your team during fights and knowing what is going to happen before it happens.


Enemy Strength Level

Being aware of how strong your enemy is can save you a lot of time. For example lets say your up against a team with 2 players who aren't levelled. Rather than taking over their base slowly and carefully you should just steam through their base quickly and take advantage of the situations. However, If a team is full of players who are all near max level then steaming through their base quickly will only get you killed. Knowing your enemy's strength and when to strike and when not to strike is key.

Player Weakness

Noticing when a player on an enemy team who is poking out of their frontline slightly from time to time or even when they seem maybe a little bit slow to react to a tower you have just destroyed infront of them can be a game changer. When you see a weakness you have to go for it hard, there is little point in attacking a player who seems harder to kill when there is an easier one to kill in the same area. Often killing one player will lead to killing another, so spotting weakness and exploiting that weakness can be a massive game changer. It is all about spotting when a player makes a mistake. A mistake being slow to react to destroyed towers, leaves there base during bullet stacks, pokes out of there base ect...

Base Weakness

Being able to see when an enemy base has a weak border is so so important. There is little point in attacking part of a base which is heavily reinforced and guarded when there is a weak part which isnt guarded not that far away. If see a team you want to take out first you should scout their border with you and make a mental note of there strong parts and the weak parts. You want to attack the weak parts and avoid the strong parts. A frontline is only as strong as its weakest section, exploit that fact and the benefits will be big.